Cafeteria Floors Fixed with Siltanium

More corporations are trying to keep their associates on campus, offering better food selections and pristine cafeterias. With 3 steps, we transformed these cafeteria floors with our SILTANIUM liquid glass process.
Step 1: The floor is cleaned with a special acid water wash combo.
Step 2: The grout is cleaned and recolored with a protective colorant.
Step 3: The Siltanium is applied, protecting the tile and grout for years and there are no specialty chemicals required to maintain it!
The RDW maintenance team will come in twice a year for a deep steam clean, and you will have years of great looking floors.

Contact Us
Corporate Headquarters
200 Clearbrook Road, Suite 142, Elmsford, NY 10523


Raised Floor Repairs

A Corporate 500 client in northern Jersey called us to handle a dangerously raised floor. The system was old and the laminates were curling off of the floor. Since RD Weis specializes in raised flooring systems as well, we tried to sell them a new system but the client didn’t have the budget. When someone injured themselves, they immediately called us and asked for a solution (with a limited budget). Our team put their heads together, and developed a template where they placed rivets in all 4 corners for a uniform look. It took weeks of work, but at the end RDW repaired 3000 raised floor panels and the client was extremely satisfied!


Contact Us
Corporate Headquarters
200 Clearbrook Road, Suite 142, Elmsford, NY 10523

Upholstery Cleaning

Did you know that our team also specializes in the maintenance of all of your furnishings?

While maintaining a law firm’s carpet, they showed us some trouble areas with the upholstery in their lobby. We cleaned it to look good as new, then treated it with a finish that will help them remove stains and dirt quicker until we arrive for the next clean! A spotless lobby’s sure to make good first impressions with their future clients.

Contact Us
Corporate Headquarters
200 Clearbrook Road, Suite 142, Elmsford, NY 10523

Kevin O’Donnell’s 25th Anniversary with RD Weis!

At Jimmy Hays restaurant in Island Park, NY, we had our first Quarter Century Club dinner, honoring Kevin O’Donnell who recently celebrated his 25 years with RD Weis.

It was an evening filled with years of stories, laughter and great food capping off 25 years of friendship.

In the Quarter Century Club are:
Rosa Spoto
James Mc Voy
Kevin Kingsland
Kevin O’Donnell
Vic Fotia (this week, July 18)

A few months ago we decided that 25 years was a true testimony to our relationship together and we are adding a dinner as we hit new anniversaries.

Congratulations again to Kevin, and we will talk more about Vic this week!

Contact Us
Corporate Headquarters
200 Clearbrook Road, Suite 142, Elmsford, NY 10523

Marmoleum and Milliken Carpet in the Williamstown Library

A look at our Marmoleum and Milliken Carpet installation for the Williamstown Library. It really adds a modern vibe to the space!

Contact Us
Corporate Headquarters
200 Clearbrook Road, Suite 142, Elmsford, NY 10523